Mobile Inpatient Care @ Home
MIC (Mobile Inpatient Care) @Home is a “virtual ward” service that allows suitable patients to recover at home instead of being hospitalised. The model augments hospital capacity and leverages remote clinical monitoring so that patients can be safely managed at home. MIC@Home was first piloted at SGH (i.e. SGH@Home) with promising results and has now been scaled to three other SingHealth hospitals, namely CGH, KKH and SKH.
Product Value Proposition:
1,253 patients were enrolled between October 2021 and June 2023.
SGH@Home model of care helps: 1) Relieve hospital bed crunch, 2) Reduce bed wait time, 3) Reduce risk of hospital-acquired infections, and 4) Reduce deconditioning. | Benefits ✓ Saved 8124 bed days ✓ Saved over $8.12M in healthcare expenditure ✓ Saved over 210 man-days with Remote Clinical Monitoring technology |
An interim evaluation of SGH@Home revealed that patients are appreciative of the option to receive hospital-level care in the comfort of their homes, feel safe, and is assured of the quality of care. |
Patient Journey:
QR Code
For more information on SGH@HOME, please visit: https://www.sgh.com.sg/patient-care/specialties-services/Family-Medicine-Continuing-Care/Pages/SGH-at-Home.aspx